
Supreme asshole Justice Scalia flips off liberals in church, taking a break from prejudging cases of detainee rights in the government's favour at speaking engagements.
Time for a little "I've been gone forever because my work banned and I'm too lazy to do this in my own time" roundup!
It looks like that fellow I wrote about in my last real post has been released and all it took were the efforts and protests of Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy and Sweden, as well as Pope Benedict XVI, George Bush, Karzai and Condi Rice. Also, a cited lack of evidence and testimony that the defendant was "mentally disturbed" and unfit for trial.
And now he only needs to deal with fundamentalist dicktrees that want him dead and finding asylum.
My only question here is, will Heaven and Earth come together again the next time to pull the fat from the fire? The Afghan government has made it painfully clear that they do not accept or tolerate even the existence of other religions, so what's to stop this shit from happening next week to someone else? Will they continue to stone women to death on accusation of adultery? Will the pope weigh in on that one too? Is this the kind of "free and democratic government" we can expect to see in Iraq?
Islamic fundamentalists and Sharia law have no place crafting criminal law, just as evangelicals have no place telling any of us how to fuck, who to fuck or why to fuck. They like to think they do, but I've got one word for them "Vaffanculo!"
Americablog writer John Aravosis has a few words for the liberals that he says are hurting their own party with hatred for the concept of money, power and privilege.
Hate to play devil's advocate, and I usually agree with John on most issues, but there is something to be said for money and power overstepping its bounds.
I'm sorry but the outrage that causes some readers to (fairly or unfairly) make calls to you to account for your donations and the like comes from the same seething anger most liberals have for tax cuts that benefit the richest 1% while poor kids die in a war of choice or buried in a coal mine that ignored safety regulations for years.
It's the same anger that's directed at the corrupt, pension stealing higher-ups at Enron, the CEO's of companies that give them hundreds of millions of dollars while they run the company into the ground, and they still feel the need to charge outrageous amounts to the company expense account. The same anger we feel when a company is allowed to continue to pollute and destroy the environment because the fines are a slap on the wrist.
It's the same anger felt by those of us that need gasoline to work and live, and see the price go up in leaps and bounds while crude goes down, and big oil rakes in record profits across the board, those of us who need affordable healthcare or daycare and aren't getting it.
It's the same anger I felt when I saw Bush or one of his cronies stand up at a dinner and declare to scattered laughter that it was nice to see their base come out and support them, the rich and the richer.
That is (most times) a justified and a righteous anger, and one that could serve the Democratic Party well if they learned to use it.
Lastly, I think all the fund drive shit can get pretty excessive on that site. It *is* free hosting after all, and there are people I'd donate to long before I would John.
On the other side of the coin, to all those readers who complained about his picture with Katherine Harris, and him saying that she's a nice person, cut John some slack there, there's nothing wrong with acting civilly towards even your largest opponents. Remember, we aren't supposed to be the side that goes around calling people traitors for no reason.
Finally, Please go check out me buddies at Sadly, No! They've been on fire recently, especially with the Baghdad pictures....